Anesthesia and Reanimation

Anesthesia and Reanimation

About the Branch

Anesthesia literally means insensitivity, numbness. Anesthesia is applied in three ways as general, regional and local.

Transient loss of consciousness and decrease in reflex activity without a change in vital functions is called general anesthesia. General anesthesia application; It causes loss of consciousness, prevents the patient's awareness during the operation, provides comfort to the patient during the operation by eliminating the pain, and facilitates the surgical intervention by suppressing reflex activity and providing muscle relaxation. With these effects, the aim of general anesthesia is to provide appropriate surgical conditions. However, it is the duty of the anesthesiologist to maintain the health and safety of the patient during the operation.

General anesthesia is a state in which muscle relaxation is provided as well as temporary loss of consciousness and suppression of reflexes without a change in the person's life functions. Regional anesthesia is applied in the form of insensitizing a part of the body to pain with central or peripheral nerve blocks. Local anesthesia, on the other hand, is performed by administering drugs that prevent nerve conduction to the immediate surroundings of the operation area. In regional and local anesthesia, the patient is awake and conscious.

Anesthesiologists are the most important part of the operating room team, even their secret heroes. Because it is not possible to start the operation without giving anesthesia to the patient. The drugs used to prevent the patient from feeling pain during the surgery are determined and applied by the anesthesia and reanimation physician. It is also the most important responsibility of the anesthesiologist to minimize some of the negative effects of anesthesia on the human body and to ensure that the patient wakes up after the operation without affecting his vital functions.

Anesthesia can be applied by doctors who have had anesthesia and reanimation specialization training on medical education. Anesthesia technicians, who are trained to assist anesthesiologists throughout the surgery, are also a very important part of the anesthesia team.

First of all, the vascular access of the patient who is taken to the operating room is opened. The patient is then monitored to monitor vital functions such as heart, respiration and blood pressure. After these preparations, for general anesthesia, only the special drugs authorized by the anesthesiologist are administered to the patient through the serum inserted. A special tube is placed in the trachea for respiratory tract continuity and safety. After providing a safe depth of anesthesia, the operation can be started with the permission of the anesthesiologist. Continuity of anesthesia is provided by the combination or separate administration of respiratory and intravenous drugs. Following the end of the operation, the anesthetic drugs used are terminated, and the patient is awakened under the supervision of an anesthesiologist and taken to the recovery room. The patient is warmed here, his pain is relieved, and he is sent to his room comfortably, taking precautions against nausea and vomiting.

Department of Grandmedical Anesthesia and Reanimation; With its trained and experienced staff and the most modern technological devices, it provides service to all age and disease groups before, during and after the operation.

Implemented Applications

Anesthesia in all age groups for all types of surgical interventions,
Preoperative medical evaluation,
Pain management during and after surgery,
Sedoanalgesia in surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions,
Day surgery anesthesia,
Painless birth,
Anesthesia in infants and children.