Biochemistry Lab

Biochemistry Lab

About Brabch

Our center provides services to various health institutions besides its own structure, and more importantly, it can offer some rare and specific tests. When there is a test that is not performed in our center, our center contacts the external laboratory units and runs the relevant tests as soon as possible.

Apart from the requests of the physicians, collecting information about the tests that are accepted in the medical field and important in the diagnosis as a result of the researches and sharing this information with the physicians are among the services provided in the Biochemistry Laboratory. After the decision is made with the physicians, these tests are added to the Biochemistry Laboratory's panel, which is the laboratory's greatest effort to keep the service quality up to date.

While providing emergency and routine laboratory services to the patients of Private Grandmedical Hospital, the Biochemistry laboratory, which fulfills the requirements of producing reliable results, works 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Internal Quality Controls of all tests are followed regularly.