Newborn intensive care unit

Newborn intensive care unit

About the Branch

Private Grandmedical Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit provides the necessary support to all babies in need of intensive care. In the light of up-to-date information, it reunites babies with their families in a short time with its modern medical equipment, and provides the necessary resources for informing and educating families.

From the 24th week of pregnancy, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit provides advanced care for babies with high risk such as preterm birth, multiple pregnancy, babies of diabetic mothers, large babies, babies who swallowed meconium in the womb, brain and other organ damage caused by difficult birth.

In the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; respiratory support (ventilator therapy), phototherapy (light therapy), percutaneous catheter applications (thin vascular access from the thin veins in the arms and legs to the heart), total parenteral nutrition (full vascular nutrition) applications, thoracic tube insertion (lung air leakage) treatment), invasive blood pressure monitoring (untouched umbilical blood pressure measurement), bedside EEG (brain electrode), bedside ECO (Heart ultrasound), bedside USG (ultrasound for the evaluation of the brain and other internal organs), retinopathy examination (early eye examinations of newborn babies) are also performed.