Infertility is a thing of the past

Infertility is a thing of the past

Infertility is a thing of the past


Grandmedical Hospital IVF Center Director Op. Dr. Nahit Ata made important statements on reproductive health and in vitro fertilization technology. Stating that women lose their reproductive potential rapidly after the age of 35, Ata said, "Egg freezing is possible for women with reduced egg reserve in Turkey, even if they are not married, and 'freezing' can be applied to cancer patients in order to prevent their eggs and sperm from being damaged before treatment. He advised them to consult a gynecologist.


Egg freezing can be applied before treatments that damage gonadal cells such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, before surgeries that will cause loss of reproductive functions such as removal of the ovaries, and in cases where there is low ovarian reserve and no delivery has been made yet, or in cases where the family history of early menopause is documented by a Health Board Report consisting of three specialist doctors. stating Dr. Ata said, “For women whose eggs are low in our country, egg freezing is possible even if they are not married, and it is possible for cancer patients to freeze their eggs and sperm without being exposed to chemotherapy or cancer drugs.”

MOST OF THOSE CALLED 'VITAL' HAVE CHILDREN Kiss. Dr. While explaining the IVF application, Nahit Ata said, “We take the women's own eggs and the sperm of their spouses and fertilize them in the laboratory environment. Then we follow up and inject the best developing embryos into the uterus without the need for any anesthesia. This process takes about 15 days. In the past, these follow-ups were made for a very long time, but with the current technology, all our treatment is almost finished in a 15-day period. Pregnancy rates are also much higher than before. We are currently reaching a happy ending at 60 to 70 percent.”