Visit to seniors from Grandmedical

Managers of Manisa Private Grandmedical Hospital visited elderly citizens living in Manisa Nursing Home Foundation Rest House as part of the 18-24 March Elderly Week activities. The hospital administrators celebrated the Elderly Week by chatting with the employees and residents of the institution.
Manisa Private Grandmedical Hospital held a series of events during the 18-24 March Elderly Week within the framework of its social responsibility projects. Hospital Manager Mehmet Başaran, Nursing Services Manager Gift Gördes and Corporate Marketing Manager Birgül Çetin visited the elderly citizens living in Manisa Nursing Home Foundation Rest House as part of the activities. Hosted by Institution Manager Gül Defne Duymuş and Psychologist Birkan Zengin, Grandmedical Hospital Managers chatted with the elderly citizens staying in the Rest House for a while and celebrated the Elderly Week.
Institution Manager Duymuş Defne Durmuş said that they hosted approximately 100 elderly citizens in the Rest House and they tried to provide their guests with peace and comfort in their own homes. Grandmedical Hospital Manager Mehmet Başaran pointed out that patient and elderly care are services that are close to each other and said that they are aware of the importance and sensitivity of the work done. Noting that the population in Turkey is aging day by day, Başaran pointed out that the elderly care service is an area that is becoming increasingly widespread and gaining importance.