Eye Diseases

Eye Diseases

About the Branch

Examination and surgeries at the Grandmedical Hospital Eye Center; It is performed by our experienced staff in refractive surgery, cataract surgery, glaucoma, cornea, uvea-retinal, vitreoretinal surgery, strabismus, neuroophthalmology, oculoplastic, contact lens, using the most advanced examination and examination devices.

Computerized and manual measurement and evaluation devices such as Autorefractokeratometer, Airpuff and Applanation Tonometers (for eye pressure measurement), Biomicroscope, Direct and Indirect Ophthalmoscope are used in eye examinations. The most modern techniques and devices applied by our experienced staff are used in all surgeries of the eye.

Glaucoma (eye pressure), strabismus and retinal detachment surgeries are performed using the most appropriate methods for the eye. Excimer Laser applications for the correction of myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia are performed with the Lasik method.

Eye Defects You Should Know

Myopia (farsightedness): It is the most common refractive error. Distance vision is particularly impaired. Near vision is also affected in high myopia. The reason is that the incoming image is focused in front of the retina layer at the back of the eye. It is more common in young people. The first symptom is squinting of the eyes.

Hyperopia (Nearsightedness): Especially near vision is impaired. Higher degrees of distance vision are also affected. The reason is that the incoming image is focused behind the retina layer. It is more common in children and older people.

Astigmatism (Distorted Vision): Objects appear distorted or intertwined. Due to the deterioration of the smoothness of the transparent layer in front, the image falls into several focuses at once. Both distant and near images are perceived distorted. These patients may also have myopia or hyperopia.

Presbyopia (Old Eye): It is the problem of nearsightedness that occurs due to aging over the age of 40. As age progresses, near vision weakness also increases. It is due to the loss of flexibility of the lens of the eye. If there is hypermetropia, it can also be seen at an earlier age.

OCT (Eye Tomography)

It is an important examination applied in the diagnosis and follow-up of yellow spot (macular) diseases.

The macula is affected by diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, and vision can gradually decrease if precautions are not taken.

Thanks to the OCT examination performed in our hospital, detailed examination of the macula can be performed and early diagnosis and treatment of macular diseases is possible.


Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) is a highly effective and painless treatment that reduces intraocular pressure in glaucoma. It is a procedure that can be done in the examination room and takes about 5 minutes.

What is glaucoma (glaucoma)?

It is the deterioration and weakening of the function of the optic nerve due to high fluid pressure in the eye. Intraocular fluid is produced continuously and a regular flow out of the eye is ensured. If there is a disorder in this outflow, the intraocular pressure increases and the disease called glaucoma occurs. If left untreated, it gradually causes loss of function of the optic nerve.

Which patients can SLT be applied to:

Open-angle, pseudoexfoliative, or pigmentary glaucoma
If the drugs used do not lower the eye pressure enough
If there are drug-related side effects or if regular medication cannot be dripped
If more than one drop or combination is used in treatment
If the surgery poses a risk